6 Weird Ways That People Are Actually Making Money From

In the crazy world we live in today, most of us have normal jobs or normal ways of earning money for living. But that’s not the case for everyone.

There are some ways people actually make money from that you probably laugh or won’t believe when you first hear them. You probably think it’s not sustainable or simply illogical, but here is the fact: these jobs exist and people make money out of them.

1. Professional Gaming

Team Newbee Professional Gamer
Team Newbee of China. Don’t let the name fool you!

You couldn’t be more wrong if you are still thinking playing video games is just a time-consuming hobby that your friends/husband/children are wasting their time on. Because people actually make a great deal of money by playing video games. And when we say great money we are not talking about a few hundred bucks here.

These guys are Team Newbee from China. In a recent Dota 2 competition(Valve’s International) they made frikkin’ $1 million for each!

2. Wearing T-shirts and Selling Your Lastname

Think about the money you can make when you eat them instead of wearing!

In 2005, Jason Sadler came up with an idea and in 2009 and found the company I Wear Your Shirt with the most simple idea ever: Advertising brands and products by wearing their t-shirts.

Idea and its execution was super simple, he made a deal with the companies to put on their t-shirts as advertisement. Suddenly, it was very popular and he doubled the prices within a year.

Everyday he advertises the company that owns the rights to his shirt. He posts videos of himself wearing a company’s shirt on Ustream, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, in which he discusses the companies that he is promoting. In 2014, he had more than 1,400 clients, including companies like Starbucks and Nissan. He makes more than $500.000 only by wearing t-shirts and he even has employees.

But that doesn’t the end of the story for him. In 2012, Sadler auctioned off the rights to change his lastname for whatever company bid the highest. Then, eventually Headsets.com won the bidding, paying $45,000 to change his name to Jason HeadsetsDotCom. And next year, in 2013, he legally changed his name to Jason SurfrApp! A surfing application, that purchased his last name for $50,000.

3. Professional Sleeper

You should probably avoid coffee for work.

All of the products we use are subjected to tests for ergonomics, comfort etc. This includes pillows, mattresses, sheets. It means that people are in need to test them, by sleeping on them.

Now think about the mornings you hardly get up, you snooze the alarm for 1000th time and realize that there are people having the exact opposite of your day.

4. Oshiya (or winzip operators for metro)

Compression rate 95%

An Oshiya’s (or pusher) job is pushing people onto the train at the station during the morning and evening rush hours. You have limited space and unlimited people wanting to be in that space, so you basically work like a zip program such as WinZip or WinRar, but instead of files you are compressing people.

5. Eating Food for Gastro Voyeurs

She turns calories to money

Park Seo-yeon of South Korea is making money from YouTube videos. She is known as “The Diva” and has followers in South Korea known as “gastro voyeurs” who like to watch people eat.

Because of the popularity of her videos, she quit her full-time consulting job and now eats for 3 hours a day. And if you think she’s one of a kind you are wrong, as there are some 3,500+ other pro eaters in South Korea and some are sponsored by restaurants.

This is her at work:

6. Selling Virginity

Catarina Migliorini

Selling virginity is probably one of most controversy ways of making money. A 20-year old Brazilian student Catarina Migliorini sold her virginity for $780,000 to a Japanese man in an online auction, as part of a documentary organised by an Australian filmmaker. In the interview with a newspaper  she states: “I saw this as a business. I have the opportunity to travel, to be part of a movie and get bonus with it,”

Sources: wikipedia, telegraph

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