This is Probably The Most Pathetic Mentos&Diet Coke Fail of History

Do you remember when mentos – diet coke videos were fun, generally teenagers doing some crazy and geeky stuff while yelling like cavemen who discovered fire and started joking around with  sticks on fire.

Then like every other crazy monkey trend, such as planking, owling etc., it slowly died in viralities’ natural ways. In the last few years, a few people tried to resurrect the trend but none went viral until the guy who covered his body with mentos and dove into a bathtub filled with diet coke (you can see the video on our Facebook page).

I assume this gave  Sexperimental LOLPervs  the idea of making a  “Mentos Bikini and Diet Coke Experiment”, because you know, the topic is hot again after all those years and bikini makes people watch it, right! Because SEX SELLS!! Well not this time.

To make it short and save you 4 minutes: There is a girl in the video who thinks that being half naked and mud wrestling with herself in diet coke is fun and people will watch it.

For all those years being on the internet I’ve watched some disturbing stuff but this could definitely be on top 10 with all that murdered dignity.

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